Herbs that Improve Metabolism

Herbs that Improve Metabolism

Before the advent of the traditional branches of medicine people were treated using the herbs themselves. First of all it says about the proximity of man and nature, he could use the gifts of the earth.

Today, herbal medicine is practiced mainly sorcerers and shamans, and in fact if you find the correct application of the most common herbs, you can recover from even the most severe illnesses.

Types of herbs

It is necessary to learn what types of grasses are responsible for different processes in the body. To restore or accelerate the metabolism is necessary to choose the method by which the desired effect is achieved.

Methods of exposure to different types of herbs are different from each other, it is for this effect and there is a division on the types of grasses.

  • To suppress appetite, flax seeds, medicinal angelica.
  • To activate the secretion of bile and diuretic effect requires the use of dandelion, barberry, tansy, cornflower and ordinary wormwood.
  • Recovery operation gastro – intestinal tract involved anise, fennel and dill.
  • To speed up the metabolism to start the use of turmeric, pepper, rosemary and ginger.
  • Laxative effect has hay, buckthorn, fennel, yarrow and chamomile.

To improve the functioning of the metabolism can be used simultaneously all grass species. It is best to choose one from each category grass and cook broth of equal proportions of these herbs. This method is considered the most simple.

Normalization of metabolism by applying herbs can be achieved as a means of treating a complex, or as an independent method of exposure.

Note that if you give preference to the use of only herbs, then weight loss will occur approximately five hundred or seven hundred grams a week, but the resulting effect will last much longer.

It is also possible to combine the use of herbs with diet and physical activity. It is to eat as many foods rich in fiber, while the functioning of the intestinal tract quickly restored.

And adding the yogurt in your eating habits, you can easily restore the normal microflora. It is necessary to pay attention to the products that have the effect of burning fat.

These include grapefruit. Meals should be small portions, but without hunger. Respect for a long period of hunger or diet slows down the metabolism because the body believes that we should put off as much fat from the diet for the reduction.

During application of the herbal tea enhancing metabolism, it should be understood that it is not just tea, and the present medicine. This means that you must abide by special rules.

  • The broth should be consumed on a daily basis and in the same time.
  • Do not abuse the use of decoctions.
  • Duration of metabolic recovery using herbs should not exceed one and a half months.

If you do not follow these simple rules, you may experience unpleasant consequences.

  • Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Allergic reactions, in any manifestation

Grass, has the effect of improving the metabolism has its own contraindications.

> The gestation period. Some herbs can cause an involuntary contraction of the uterus, leading to miscarriage.

> Also contraindications include liver or kidney disease.

> Acute propensity to allergic reactions.

> Individual intolerance of one of the herbs.

Before you start the application, you need to consult with a specialist to find out for sure if there are contraindications to the use of such herbs.

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