Teas to Cleanse the Body

Teas to Cleanse Your Body

The human body is constantly faced with a huge amount of harmful and toxic substances that negatively affect the health and overall well-being. The accumulation of toxins provokes fatigue, sleep disturbance, chronic headaches. Each person who takes care of itself, should monitor the cleanliness of his body. The easiest way to do this through a variety of herbs, and make better use of their entire systems, which will clean the blood, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, lymphatic system.

How tea helps to cleanse the body

For begin to understand what we mean by purification. It’s getting rid of toxins – harmful substances that our body accumulates. If they do not show, it can lead to unpleasant diseases. The easiest way to deal with the toxins – a use of cleansing teas. They are often recommended for weight loss. But it is important to know that they help reduce weight not because it burns fat, but because they derive all unnecessary naturally. That is cleansing teas tend to have laxative and choleretic effect and contribute to the normalization process of digestion. In addition, cleansing teas restore water balance in the body (this, again, it is important for those who are sitting on a diet). If the body lacks water, the toxins are no longer split. And, accordingly, are deposited in the liver or intestines. Thus, cleaning teas, mainly affect the liver and kidney, splitting poisons and taking them out.

Cleansing tea for all tastes

Among the variety of choice of teas, cleansing teas are a special category, and prior to their use should still consult your doctor. If there are no contraindications, then purifying tea can be taken to your liking, choosing from those that are well established and are in demand. Recipes tea to cleanse Today, almost every drug available over the counter, including tea and to cleanse the body. You can also make it yourself and at home. To do this, you need only to purchase the required components.

Tea currant

Currant tea will help cleanse the kidneys. Mix the dried berries of black currant and rose hips in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture pour two cups of boiling water and leave for a drink in an hour. Drink it 4 times a day a half of cup.

Recipe for bowel cleansing tea

Preparation: boil a liter of water. Add 1 tablespoon ginger, licorice root, turmeric and hold for 15 minutes on low heat. Application: Drink half a cup of tea in the evening.

Licorice – a wonderful drug – has a pronounced laxative effect. It perfectly cleans the intestines!

Cleansing bay leaf

Take 5 grams of bay leaf, crushed. Pour 300 grams of boiling water and allowed to simmer for another 10 minutes. The broth is poured into a thermos and leave more for 4 hours. Ready broth is recommended to take small portions for 3 days. A week later, this purification is repeated again.

Tea from lemon peel

It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is rightfully occupies a leading place among the antioxidants. Another advantage of the rind of citrus – a high concentration of soluble dietary fiber – pectins. Perfectly cleanses from all possible “contamination” – radionuclides, free radicals, toxins and wastes. Drink this tea twice a day for two to three weeks.

Tea made from horsetail

Elderly people, this tea is useful by the fact that contributes to the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques and improves heart function. Here is the recipe of its preparation: in an enamel bowl pour four tablespoons of chopped fresh or dry grass of horsetail, pour one cup of boiling water and put in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then strain and add to the resulting broth of boiled water to the original volume. Cover the bowl with a lid, let stand for 45 minutes. then strain and take on a third of cup three times a day before meals.

Tea from marigold flowers

Suit as fresh flowers or dried. To prepare the tea take two teaspoons of flowers and fill them with 500 ml of water. Leave it 20 minutes. The tea should drain and store in the refrigerator in a sealed jar. Takes a third of cup three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. Thus, cleansing teas really help detoxification and recovery of the body. But drink it all the time, and at the same time continue to saturate ourselves with toxins – absolutely inappropriate. In that case, sooner or later, you will no longer feel the positive result from their use. In addition, any tea – is fitodrug, i.e. drug. Medications should be taken the course, and not to use all the time. Therefore, the main rule of cleansing the body – not pollute it. First and foremost, this means drinking plenty of water every day (for most people this winter and 1.5 liters to 3 liters in the summer), rationaly eat (daily rate to get the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other necessary substances), and do not overeat. Every person need, a few times a year, to conduct the course itself “treatment” cleansing herbal.

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